The SA 8000 standard is an auditable social certification standard, which sets out voluntary requirements to be complied with by employers in the workplace, including workers’ rights, workplace conditions and management systems. The regulatory elements of this standard are based on national legislation, international human rights instruments and ILO conventions.
In Spain, to date there are only 20 certified companies and among them there is no public administration/sector.
Principle 1.
Child labor. Prohibition of the use of child labor.
Principle 2.
Forced or compulsory work. The use of a forced or mandatory double hand is prohibited. The organization cannot under any circumstances withhold part of the salary or deposits in order to force the worker to continue working. All staff must be free to leave the premises of the workplace at the end of the working day and must also be free to resign from employment with a reasonable notice.
Principle 3.
Health and safety. A healthy and safe working environment must be provided where risks of accidents and illnesses are prevented. In cases where required, the organization must provide the necessary personal protection equipment, as well as effective training to all workers.
Principle 4.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. These rights must be respected and allow workers to have their own union representatives
Principle 5.
Discrimination. No kind of discrimination based on race, nationality, social origin, sex, political opinions, disability, religion or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination is allowed.
Principle 6.
Disciplinary measures. Disciplinary practices that attack people's dignity, involve physical or verbal punishment or psychological abuse are prohibited.
Principle 7.
Work schedule. It must never exceed 48 hours per week, not including overtime. The hours must not exceed 12 hours per week.
Principle 8.
Remuneration This must be sufficient to cover the basic needs of the staff and provide a discretionary income, according to the standard of living in the region.
Principle 9.
Management systems. The organization must implement a management system that makes it possible to maintain and evidence all the practices carried out to comply with the points of the standard.
To know more, visit the Official Page of DNV: