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Information Note COVID-19

Information Note COVID-19. Affectation ZAL Port Alarm State COVID – 19

We inform you that in accordance with Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19 and Resolution SLT / 37/2020, of March 13, both the ZAL Port and the Service Center building will not be able to provide any of the restricted services in the annex  indicated at the mentioned Decree. Specifically, the following equipment and activities are suspended:

  • – Audience
  • – Multipurpose rooms
  • – Gym
  • – Sports courts
  • – Cafeteria | Bars | Restaurants
  • – Store
  • – Terraces

However, we guarantee the rest of the services, including the reception of the Service Center building and security at the accesses to the ZAL Port, which will be managed from the Control Center.

We insist that, given the exceptional nature of the situation, those companies that decide to maintain the activity must do follow the guidelines indicated by the competent organism.

From CILSA we want to transmit a statement of tranquility and responsibility and inform that we are working to develop our activity with total normality. We have adopted all the necessary internal measures and the recommendations indicated by the authorities with the main objective of protecting the health of CILSA workers as well as of our clients and collaborators and minimizing any risk to the maximum so that this exceptional circumstance does not affect the course of our usual activity.